About Us

In the first half of the 20th Century, a group of authors, scholars, poets, and friends gathered weekly for a pint at a pub in Oxford, England. These friends recognized the importance of camaraderie and collaboration as they pursued truth, goodness, and beauty and their contributions to these explorations, a gift to the world. This group of friends were known as "The Inklings.” With each pint pulled, these compatriots sharpened one another, as iron sharpens iron. It is from this group that the world received the transformational works of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy Sayers, Charles Williams, and more.

We’re inspired by these authors and their works. We firmly believe that an instrumental part of their developing works was the community they found among their peers, and the cultivation of conversations marked by respect and thoughtfulness. Looking to bring this atmosphere into our own lives, Beow’s Books & Brews was created to foster this same kind of community with our neighbors with the aim to foster the Great Conversation and bring about the next great thinkers.